About Aimee & Arthur

On the 27th July 2021, at 29 weeks and 1 day pregnant, I was admitted to hospital due to complications with my unborn baby. Just 5 days later, on the 1st August 2021 and at 29 and 6 days pregnant, my beautiful baby boy Arthur was born via emergency ceserean section in order to save his life.

His actual due date was 11th October 2021.

I spent 69 long days heading in and out of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, battling to stay strong for my baby and myself whilst dealing with the inhumane Covid-19 visiting restrictions that have been unfairly impressed upon so many of us new parents whose babies have been so poorly, and coping with the barrage of opinions from different hospital staff. People I’d never met who suddenly controlled when and how I could see my baby boy – including when I could touch, and eventually hold and feed him.

Thankfully Arthur was discharged from the hospital on 8th October 2021.

I’ve been a blogger ever since I studied Journalism at University back in 2008, and I find writing the easiest way to express myself, having gone on to complete a degree in English and History. So I’ve started the Blog Aimee & Arthur to tell our story and hopefully show other long-term NICU parents that they aren’t alone, and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope any advice and experience I can offer you will help, too

So here is what happened, where we are now, and where, God willing, we are hoping to get to.